Tuesday 28 June 2016

Factual Programme Production - Practical Clives assignment

Factual Programme Production - Practical

When I was looking for 5 documentary's I could not find many. When I went onto archive.com (https://archive.org/index.php) I could not find any at all. Then I looked on YouTube only to find non-professional documentary's about taxi drivers. But I think this shows that not many people have had the same documentary idea as me so people might not know a lot about the taxi driving industry and might not know what its truly like to be a taxi driver. So I think many people might be interested in my documentary idea.

The documentary's I found:



Also when I knew I was making a taxi documentary I knew I would need other people to be in it. I wasn't sure if I was going to have another taxi driver be in it and get there point of view of working in the taxi business or if I was going to get a regular customer who Michael (the taxi driver I interviewed) picks up. Also if I got a customer they could give me there point of view of the taxi industry and see the difference threw different peoples opinions. In the pre production I also made a quick storyboard to see where I would like to film and to see who would be in the documentary. Also the storyboard helped me figure out what type of shots I would like to put in the documentary. In the pre production I had to figure out what time I would be filming with Michael and what time I would be filming with anyone else. When I figured out what time I would be filming with everyone I had to book out my equipment so then I could film with them. I originally booked out a black magic camera, tripod,H4 zoom mic but every time I got given a equipment there was a problem with it so used my own camera (Canon EOS 750D) and a H4 zoom mic.

When making the documentary I went to a bunch of different locations for example I went to the taxi firm, around different roads where Michael regularly works and I went to other locations too. I originally was going to interview one of Michael's customers who he picks up and takes to a old persons club but at last minute she had fallen ill so I could not interview her. So in the end I could only interview Michael. When I was filming the parts when we where driving in the car we had to make sure we didn't go down to many bumpy roads otherwise the shots would not look to good. However I didn't want to have the shots be too smooth otherwise it would take away the 'real' feeling you get when watching the documentary. I wanted it to feel as though you where there in the taxi, as though you where having a conversation with Michael. I got a few shots close to the Middlesbrough football stadium whilst the sun was setting so then I could give the documentary a nice, dramatic, emotional feeling. I was originally going to film Michael in his shed so then I could get some nice shots of him to show what he does in his down time as well but because I kept getting broken equipment I didn't bother booking anymore of it out.

Post Production-
I uploaded all of my footage onto the computer and started editing. When I first started editing I noticed that the audio I recorded had been corrupted so I had to go out and do the voice over again. But this can happen when making any kind of film. When editing I realised some of the footage I had was repetitive but I did have enough footage to change the documentary a bit so then it wasn't to repetitive. Also when I was editing the documentary I noticed I had just under 5 minutes of footage and I know I needed between 5-10 minutes of footage to make the documentary but because of all the time it took me to get good equipment I did not have enough time to go out and film again. When I finished with the documentary I exported it in the settings to Vimeo 1080p because the file was to big. When it finished exporting I uploaded it to Vimeo.

In conclusion I know that my documentary could have gone a lot better but time management got the better of me and I couldn't get any better footage and the other person who I was meant to interview got ill. Basically, everything that could have been a problem, was a problem. But it was a learning curve and I know what to do next time if this happens (hopefully this doesn't happen). However I think I got soe unique information that not a lot of people have heard of before which was one of my aims at the beginning before I made te documentary. It could have gone better but it could have gone a lot worse.

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