Tuesday 22 September 2015


What I learnt about Pre-Prod.

Post Production

The term 'script is locked' means that you can not change anything on the script except for the director.

A 'script editor' is someone who checks to make sure that the script is right and also gives notes only on the script.

Visualize is part of pre-production.

Producers need investors sometimes because they care about the money. But when they are done they need to give back the investments (ROI- return of investments).

Line Producer is someone who looks for appropriate locations.

Director of photography is someone who is in charge of what cameras they use. 

'gaffer' is an on site lighting director and also deals with electricity.

'colour temperature' is colour change in the skin. daylight- blue tones in the skin. Normal inside lighting- Orange, yellow etc. But a camera can not tell the difference between the colour so you use colour corrector. 

Data Wrangler -gets the information.

Work Flow - from camera to 'cinema'.

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