Monday, 19 October 2015

Story-boards and shot choices

Story-boards and shot choices.
What is the connection between story-boards and shot choices?
The connection between story-boards and shot choices is that when you make a story-board you are planning out the shots you want to take and you draw it out to match the scenes/script.
How are story-boards are used in production-
Story-boards are used in production because it is an easy/good way to set out your ideas. Also people will most likely understand it more than reading descriptions of a scenery on a script. It is also a good way to see how you want a shot of a scene to be filmed and at what angles you want the camera's to be.

Type of Shot
(mid shot)

Gabriella is on a bus on the way to the cinema and is looking out the window listening to music
(long shot)

Gabrielle looks out the window and sees her friend outside of the cinema
(wide shot)

Gabriella meets up with her friend Zoe outside of the cinema
Gabriella: Hi how are you? I haven’t seen you in ages!
Zoe: I’m fine thanks and I know I’ve missed you! How are you?
Gabriella: I fine to thanks.
(mid shot)

Gabriella and Zoe are sat in the cinema watching a film

Zoe:*whispering* We should have went to see a different film… this is rubbish.
Gabriella: Really? I think it’s funny. But I guess it’s kind of weird.

Tuesday, 13 October 2015

learning about codecs

Learning about Codecs-

Codec-A device or program that compresses data to enable faster transmission and decompresses received data. 

H.264-Is a video compression technology. But is commonly used for recording formats, and distribution of video content. 

Pro Res- Is a video compression format that was made by Apple Inc.

Bit rate- In telecommunications and computing, bit rate or as variable R) is the number of bits that are conveyed or processed per unit of time.

Work Flow- 
The sequence of industrial, administrative or other processes through which a piece of work passes from initiation to completion.

Monday, 12 October 2015

The History Of Editing

The History Of Editing.

The Lumiere Brothers
 Auguste Lumiere was born October 19th, 1862, France 
Louis Lumiere was born October 5th, 1864, France 
 Auguste Lumiere died April 10th,1954
Louis Lumiere died June 6th,1948

They where french brothers who where the first film makers in history. Also the brothers are famous for making the first moving picture film. This lead to them making the first cinematography and this is also where the word 'Cinema' came from.


Marie-George-Jean Melies-
Born- December 8th 1861 and is from France, Paris.
Died- January 21st 1938 in France, Paris.

Marie-George-Jean Melies who is also know as George Melies is know for being an amazing French illusionist and film maker. In the early 1900s he also famous for many technical and narrative developments in the start of cinema making.  He made a historically famous little film called 'A Trip To The Moon' which was made September 1st 1902. Also George was the inventor of the jump cut. The jump cut was discovered when he was filming a bus leaving and the camera got jammed and when it started to work again there was another car in its place. This was a brand new discovery and this is how editing started to be discovered. It was also when they discovered that time was compressed and editing is all about time and compression. 

Edwin Stanton Porter-
Born-April 21st, 1870, Pennsylvania, United States.
Died-April 30th 1941, New York City, United States.

Edwin Stanton Porter worked in a manufacturing company and in the Players film company. However Edwin was most famous for being a director, producer, studio manager and a cinematographer. Edwin made over 250 films in his life time. One of his most important films he made was called 'Jack and the beanstalk'. Edwin contributed to film making by creating new, electrical devises that actually improved communications throughout film making.

David Llewelyn Wark Griffith (D.W)-
Born- January 22nd 1875, Kentucky, United States.
Died-  July 23rd 1948, Los Angeles, United States.
David Llewelyn Wark Griffith who is mostly known as D.W Griffith is famous for being an American film director in the early 1900s  and he made a film called 'The Birth Of A Nation.' He was popular in the film making world because he was the first person to think about moving the camera to get different camera angles. Also he created something called the '180 rule'. This was when you had more than one camera but they where put on certain angles so you can not see the other cameras but you could see the actors from different angles. This was known as continuity editing.

Monday, 5 October 2015

My Photos

'Long Shot'

'Wide Shot'

'Long Shot'

'High Angle'

'High Angle'

'Mid Shot'